Are you a spare parts wholesaler, own a repair shop, a car dealership or a rental agency, or are involved in the automotive & machinery industry in any other way? The time has come to move forward with your digital transformation, as your organization’s growth depends on it.

The automotive industry is a particularly competitive and difficult arena. Profit margins continuously fluctuate, customers are becoming ever more demanding and you strive – most of the time with manual means – to keep up with the developments, your customer list and your daily tasks. This difficult puzzle you’re trying to solve on a daily basis is further complicated by additional factors, such as vendors, changes in spare parts and accessories, specifications and regulation requirements.

The solution, though, is simple. All you need is the right partner to help you capitalize on modern technology and gain the desired edge over your competition. Look no further. DIS is the right partner to trust. Our customers include some of the biggest players in different industries, and our specialized consultants can design for you a development plan tailored to your unique business needs.


Microsoft Dynamics 365
b-anywhere mobile business
Business Intelligence
Document Management
Office 365
Innovative ERP
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central


Automotive & Machinery
Wholesale & Logistics

The Ideal Tool for the Automotive Industry

  • Construction, Repair & Maintenance: Annata 365 for Manufacturing is designed to meet the needs of a wide range of businesses involved in the construction, trading, distribution, sale and maintenance of vehicles and other machines (cars, motorcycles, trucks, buses), either these pertain to the main product or its various parts, such as the engine etc. At the same time, this solution is also suitable for those involved in the business of “heavy duty” vehicles and machinery, or maintenance, such as repair shops.
  • Dealerships and Sales: You can have a complete and accurate overview of your vehicle orders, deliveries and distribution to your network of representatives. Furthermore, you can manage spare parts, returns and warranties for vehicles and their individual parts. Annata 365 is the ideal solution both for importers with Annata 365 for Importer & Wholesale and resellers with Annata 365 for Dealer.
  • Rental Agencies: Especially for car and machinery rental agencies (vehicles, tools, equipment, etc.), Annata 365 for Rental offers all the features your business needs to monitor the rental cycle, invoicing, returns and maintenance. Furthermore, the integrated Annata Power BI can provide you with valuable reports and analytics.
  • Vehicle Fleet Management: A company’s fleet can include many different vehicles that need to be monitored throughout their life cycle – from the day they are purchased till the day they are recycled. The effective management of your fleet is crucial for ensuring that your vehicles are in good operating condition, compliant with the standing regulations and well within your budget limits. Fleet management can also include a wide range of other operations, such as financing, maintenance, monitoring and diagnostics (telematics), driver, fuel and insurance management, etc. Annata 365 for Fleet covers all these needs and more!